Nature's Choice



请阅读守则,希望每位客人在竹山泉愉快的度假。Always, it's better to be safe than sorry。

  1. 晚上11点 到凌晨 6点 请保持安静,以保证每位客人都能睡个好觉,并且主人要清晨起床为客人准备餐饮,也需要睡个好觉。
  2. 禁带任何宠物。
  3. 请勿在房内吸烟。 房外有很多吸烟空间。
  4. 确保烟头,火柴和类似物完全熄灭,以免引发火灾,尤其是森林火灾。
  5. 请勿在房内燃火, 包括燃蜡烛, 扔烟蒂等。
  6. 请勿私自打开冰箱。需要的话,请让主人给你放置。
  7. 请不要把冷膨胀物如啤酒瓶可乐瓶等放入冰柜。有邻居因客人“忘了拿出”导致瓶爆炸损坏冰柜而引起赔偿纠纷。
  8. 泰戈尔说:“教育的目的应当向人类传送生命的气息"。请不要伤害鱼塘里的鱼和树上的鸟。 请勿用石头或竹竿打鱼或把鱼捞起来玩弄。鱼塘里的鱼有的已几十年了。
  9. 干旱时期,请不要用大量的水冲洗车,因会影响鱼塘里的水量而不利鱼的生存。
  10. 以免损坏木地板并防止地滑,请不要把湿衣服等晾在房内。 房外有很多地方晾晒。
  11. 损坏家具和房屋设施, 对不起, 要扣押金。
  12. 任何时间, 孩子必须有随同成年人看管。
  13. 18岁以下必须有成年人陪同才能入住。
  14. 请不要给主人家成员和私物拍照。
  15. 请勿在危险处,如悬崖边拍照,特别是自拍。安全比照片更重要。
  16. 安全第一, 任何人不能爬窗或做任何危险行为。
  17. 假如暴雨来临,请不要在河里玩耍。因为山顶暴雨可以很快导致山洪。
  18. 避免单独在水边或山里玩耍。建议任何时候都有陪同人员。在河里玩耍,建议穿上救生衣。
  19. 客人对自己的财物,包括车负全责
  20. 客人对自己的安全和随同人员的安全负全责

  1. No noise between 11 pm -6 am so everyone can have a good night sleep.
  2. No pets permitted in the premises.
  3. Smoking is not allowed inside the room.
  4. Please do not ignite items in the room, which include cigarette butts, candles, matches etc..
  5. Please make sure items like igniters and matches are completely extinguished before being thrown away to avoid fire hazard, especially forest fire.
  6. Please do not open the fridge by yourself. Please ask the host to do it for you.
  7. Not permitted to put items likely to explode such as beer bottles in freezer.
  8. Please do not hurt the fishes in the home fish pond such as by throwing stones.
  9. During the drought period, please do not use lots of water to wash your car, because it will reduce the amount of water in the fish pond which will affect the survival of the fish.
  10. Please do not hang the wet stuff such as wet clothes inside the rooms to avoid damaging the wooden floor and causing slippery hazard.
  11. In case of damaging house items and the property, security deposit will be deducted.
  12. A child must be accompanied by an adult at any time.
  13. Under the age of 18, must be accompanied by adults to stay.
  14. No photos of any host family members and personal objects.
  15. Please do not do selfie near dangerous areas such as cliff. Safty is more important than a photo.
  16. During holiday, safety is the first priority. No window climbing or any dangerous behaviors allowed.
  17. When storm is coming, please do not play in the river or creek, because a thunderstorm in a summit can quickly generate a flash flood in rivers and creeks.
  18. Avoid playing alone in the mountain or river. Suggest to go around with someone and to wear life jacket when playing in river.
  19. Please take care of your own belongs, including cars. Host takes no responsibilities for any loss or damage.
  20. Guests take full responsibilities for their own safety and the safety of their accompanied persons.
